Signature Services

A sample of our signature services we offer to enhance your natural beauty to help you decide which is best for your studio experience.

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Permanent Cosmetics

A cosmetic technique which places pigment into the dermal layer of skin, similar to a tattoo, as a means of producing designs that resemble makeup, such as microblading, lip blushing, and other permanent enhancing colors to the skin of the face, lips, and eyelids.

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Lash Extensions & Enhancements

Lash extensions are a great way to enhance your natural lashes by adding darkness, length, and curl. One lash (or lash fan) will be glued on to your natural lash to create a bolder, more full appearance. The length and curl will be chosen based on your preference. Fills will be recommended every 2-3 weeks.

Lash Lifting is a great way to enhance your natural lashes by lifting and adding the perfect curl. Using a special formula and rod designed for your lash shape and size to create an amazing boost of your natural lashes. Results last 4-6 weeks.

Lash Tinting is a great way to enhance your natural lash my adding a darker color to the lashes. An eye friendly dye will be applied and removed to reveal a beautiful, bolder color. Best results paired with a lash lift, but can be performed as a solo service. Results last 4-6 weeks.


Facials & Skin Treatments

A customizable experience to help you target all of your skincare needs and goals. With several options to choose from for all skin types, we have the perfect product combinations to give you the results you want.


Hair Removal

Using either hard wax or strip wax, we will give you a comfortable experience for any of your full body hair removal needs.